To make a rich range of excellences accessible and available entails three essential characteristics: Selection, Price/Quality ratio evaluation, Logistics.
All products will be present each time in the moment of their availability, chosen by Tony Laviola in person, evaluated by a blue-ribbon panel of chefs, food critics, sommeliers.
Among the most important elements of our work we include:
- Storage and shipping.
- Shortening the production chain as much as possible in order not to jeopardise the organoleptic characteristics of our unique excellences.
- Streamline the economic burden cutting useless costs.
- Accentuate the concept of sustainable trade.
- Using carriers with proven reliability, to keep following the product up to your warehouses and, why not, to your tables and fridges.
- Favour the client not imposing a high minimum order and providing modern payment methods, structured on the different management needs.
Research and development
- Sensory analysis
- Suppliers selection
- Food & Wine Cost Control
- Menu’ Wine List Engeneering
- Marketing Strategy
- Brand Management
- Promotion and Comunication
- Technology for Pasta Factory
- Agribusiness technologies